Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My first attempt at Callos

Callos is a type of stew made with pork, tripe, garbanzo beans, chorizos and a host of other ingredients. I've always loved this dish. I particularly fell in love with the version from Amalia's along Aguirre Avenue in BF Homes (they also serve the best Oysters in White Wine, by the way). I felt that it was time for me to try my hand at making it. I found this recipe and it looked easy enough to make. I trimmed down the recipe a bit since I am cooking for just hubby and myself. Hubby was quite pleased with it. I felt it was still lacking something. More experimentation in the future for moi. Any suggestions?

Legend has it that the longer you keep the Callos, the better it will taste. This is great when you're entertaining. You can make it a week before and just stick it the refrigerator and forgeddabouddit.

Anyway, here's the picture.

My late father, who was a very good advertising photographer, would probably turn in his grave for I take such crappy pictures. After all, I was named after a camera.

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