Thursday, April 16, 2009

Australia Part 14: Tried to catch the Fairy Penguins again

Hubby was frustrated with the previous night's pictures of the penguins because it was quite late when we arrived. This particular night, we arrived a bit early to try to see them more clearly. The penguins were there when we arrived but they refused to come out :-) Hubby managed to take this photo though. Can you see him inside the rocks? He's a wild penguin that's why he's not very "sociable" :-) Most of the breakwater is sealed to the public to give privacy to these breeding penguins. Only a small portion of it is open to the public. Some penguins still make it as their home.

The sunset was beautiful. I love St. Kilda Beach.

Chilled to the bone (after all it was autumn in Melbourne), hubby and I trudged to Fizroy Street to have some hot chocolate and dinner at La Porchetta.

I had the Canneloni stuffed with Ricotta Cheese and Spinach. Yummy!

Hubby had the shrimp and mushroom pizza, which was great as well. He downed it with a local beer, Pure Blond.

What a fun evening it was, I remember it quite clearly up to now :-)

1 comment:

ericbau said...

That is one shy penguin. :)