Kota Kinabalu is not just a place for relaxation. It is also a very romantic place to tie the knot. Imagine having a sunset wedding in a gazebo that overlooks the ocean. An aisle filled with flowering plants and butterflies fluttering around. Truly romantic. Everything that you could possibly want for your special day can be found in this beautiful hideaway.
The price we are told is not very expensive. It costs the same as having your wedding in Boracay. We paid P6,918 per adult on our airfare (Pretty much the same for a Boracay flight). It includes all the fuel surcharges, taxes and airport fees. Warning though, don't expect to be given a free meal or free drinks on board.
We booked our hotel reservations via precisionreservations.com. Their hotel rates were cheaper by almost US$50 per night than if you book through the hotel directly. So that's an added savings for you. Airport transfers cost 55ringgit per head, per way. The airport transfers would have to be booked directly through the hotel though.
My unsolicited advice? Forget about travel agents, they charge an arm and a leg. Trust me, they don't have your financial interest at heart.
For married couples, it's also a wonderful place to rekindle your love, a second honeymoon, if you will. Be closer to one another. Take long walks on the beach, watch the birds, hike up the mountain, luxuriate in the spa, have a romantic sunset dinner for two at The Coast restaurant. My husband and I truly loved our vacation and is thinking of renewing our vows there. If we win the lotto, that is :)
I'm still so curious about the ilonggo couple who got hitched there last year... hmmm. You're right, perfect for honeymooning. The beach, the luxurious surroundings, the ginormous bed... wink wink. :-)
Btw, did you ask somebody else to take that pix? Or did you use tripod. Was the tripod as far as it seemed? Very nice.
We had a tripod with us. The tripod was not very far. Just far enough so that the waves won't topple it. I was hoping for a "candid" shot look :-)
hi. just stumbled upon this entry. which airline did you book your flight on? and which hotel did you stay in? my brother and i are interested in exploring kota kinabalu as our first-ever sibling bonding trip abroad. thanks! :)
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